I am trying to write a function in c for stm32 board.
float computeMotorSpeed(TIM_HandleTypeDef &htimer, uint32_t &PreviousCount ) {
int32_t DiffCount = 0;
uint32_t CurrentCount = 0;
CurrentCount = __HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&htimer); /*evaluate increment of timer counter from previous count*/
if (__HAL_TIM_IS_TIM_COUNTING_DOWN(&htimer)) {
/* check for counter underflow */
if (CurrentCount <= PreviousCount) {
DiffCount = CurrentCount - PreviousCount;
else {
DiffCount = -((TIM3_ARR_VALUE+1) - CurrentCount) - PreviousCount;
else {
/* check for counter overflow */
if (CurrentCount >= PreviousCount) {
DiffCount = CurrentCount - PreviousCount;
else {
DiffCount = ((TIM3_ARR_VALUE+1) - PreviousCount) + CurrentCount;
PreviousCount = CurrentCount;
return (float) DiffCount*60/(TS*TIM3_ARR_VALUE); // rpm (round per minute);
But i have the following error.
error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before '&' token
I am trying to pass the values by reference but I have an error. Yet when I pass by the value as follows the compiler does not show me errors.
float computeMotorSpeed(TIM_HandleTypeDef htimer, uint32_t PreviousCount ) {
int32_t DiffCount = 0;
uint32_t CurrentCount = 0;
CurrentCount = __HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&htimer); /*evaluate increment of timer counter from previous count*/
if (__HAL_TIM_IS_TIM_COUNTING_DOWN(&htimer)) {
/* check for counter underflow */
if (CurrentCount <= PreviousCount) {
DiffCount = CurrentCount - PreviousCount;
else {
DiffCount = -((TIM3_ARR_VALUE+1) - CurrentCount) - PreviousCount;
else {
/* check for counter overflow */
if (CurrentCount >= PreviousCount) {
DiffCount = CurrentCount - PreviousCount;
else {
DiffCount = ((TIM3_ARR_VALUE+1) - PreviousCount) + CurrentCount;
PreviousCount = CurrentCount;
return (float) DiffCount*60/(TS*TIM3_ARR_VALUE); // rpm (round per minute);
why the first case (passing by reference) is not correct?
There is no pass-by-reference in C, so the C compiler doesn't know what to do with &
in the argument-passing context. You'll need to pass a pointer using *
and dereference to get the same effect. Elaborating on comment:
// use * to denote pointers
float computeMotorSpeed(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htimer, uint32_t *PreviousCount ) {
// don't "take the address" here anymore, the pointer is the address
CurrentCount = __HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(htimer); /*evaluate increment of timer counter from previous count*/
/* check for counter underflow */
// and you must dereference PreviousCount with * everywhere to access
// its value
if (CurrentCount <= *PreviousCount) {
DiffCount = CurrentCount - *PreviousCount;
*PreviousCount = CurrentCount;
return ...;
And you would call this function with something like
// here, & means "take the address of", as you used it in OP
float floatRet = computeMotorSpeed(&htimer, &PreviousCount);