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C# Interface where property shares target class's name, and where property is 'init', cannot assign property in constructor

I have an interface called IHierarchable, intended for both the 'Entity' class and the 'Scene' class which serves as the root of all entities.

    /// <summary>
/// Signifies that an object can exist in the game hierarchy and can have children.
/// </summary>
public interface IHierarchable
    public abstract Scene Scene { get; protected init; }

    /// <summary>
    /// The parent of this object.
    /// </summary>
    public abstract IHierarchable Parent { get; protected set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Any children belongong to this object.
    /// </summary>
    public abstract ReadOnlyCollection<IHierarchable> Children { get; protected set; }

But when I implement this on my Scene class:

    /// <summary>
/// A base 2D world, into which <see cref="Entity"/> instances can be placed.
/// </summary>
public class Scene : IHierarchable
    Scene IHierarchable.Scene { get; init; }
    public IHierarchable Parent { get; set; }
    public ReadOnlyCollection<IHierarchable> Children { get; set; }

    public Scene()
        (this as IHierarchable).Scene = null;

I have the following error in the constructor:

Init-only property or indexer 'IHierarchable.Scene' can only be assigned in an object initializer, or on 'this' or 'base' in an instance constructor or an 'init' accessor

I have to implement the interface explicitly in this class, as the 'Scene' property happens to share the name of the 'Scene' class. But once I implement it this way, I'm unable to actually set the property, even though I'm setting it within Scene's constructor and using the 'this' keyword, just as the error message suggests.


  • You've defined your interface type using DIM syntax which isn't what you want. I do appreciate that this is a big cause of confusion, especially as it's also a very new language feature too.

    A big gotcha with DIM properties in particular is the fact that interface types (including DIM interfaces) cannot have fields - therefore you cannot have auto-properties - so when you use C# class/struct auto-property syntax in a DIM interface you're actually just defining an abstract-like property

    1. First, change your interface type to a good ol' fashioned interface:

      • Also make Scene and Parent as nullable properties, as I assume eventually the top-most IHierarchable object will have a null parent - and you're explicitly setting Scene = null so I assume that's intentional.
      • I assume your IHierarchable is intended to be a read-only interface for its consumers (i.e. a consumer of IHierarchable shouldn't be able to overwrite any of the properties - and there's no point having init members of an interface because you can't use (post-construction) object-initializer syntax with an interface type.
      • Because Children is a collection property it should not have a set accessor - only get - and use a covariant collection interface instead of concrete type (i.e. use IReadOnlyList<out T> instead of ReadOnlyCollection<T>), that way you can legally pass Children around as, e.g. IEnumerable<IHierarchable>, or IReadOnlyCollection<Object?> without needing an unsafe cast or creating a .ToList() copy. Using IReadOnly...<T> interfaces also means that recipients of the collection can't modify it unexpectedly, which is another common cause of software bugs.
      • Like so:
      public interface IHierarchable
          Scene? Scene { get; }
          /// <summary>The parent of this object.</summary>
          IHierarchable? Parent { get; }
          /// <summary>Any children belongong to this object.</summary>
          IReadOnlyList<IHierarchable> Children { get; }
    2. Then implement that interface...

      • Constructors exist for a reason, use them to implement class invariants (but from your post I can't tell if you need one here or not yet).
      • There's no point making Scene's Scene property a field-backed auto-property if it's always going to be null - just make it a get-only property that always returns null
      • Make the class sealed unless you absolutely know that you need to subclass it, because subclassing and explicit interface implementations (like Scene? IHierarchable.Scene => null;) don't play nice together.
      public sealed class Scene : IHierarchable
          public Scene()
              // Nothing needs to go here - unless it does?
          public IHierarchable? Parent { get; }
          public IReadOnlyList<IHierarchable> Children { get; } = new List<IHierarchable>();
          Scene? IHierarchable.Scene => this;
          // or return null:
          Scene? IHierarchable.Scene => null;