I am getting the above error every time we deploy from Jenkins.Error: UPGRADE FAILED: release xxxx-xxxxx-config failed, and has been rolled back due to atomic being set: timed out waiting for the condition
[2021-02-02T07:44:38.872Z] + helm upgrade --atomic --timeout 600s --install --namespace xxxx-xxx-xxxx --set image.repository=docker.qa.xxx-xxxx.xxxx:8443/xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxx-pr --set image.tag=pr-214-16 --set fullnameOverride=-xxx-xxx-xxx-pr-pr --wait xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-pr-pr ./base-0.1.0.tgz --set imageSecretName=docker-registry --set service.type=ClusterIP --set resources.limits.cpu=0.5 --set resources.limits.memory=1024Mi --set resources.requests.cpu=0.5 --set resources.requests.memory=1024Mi --set labels.env=qa --set service.port=8080 --set service.port=8080 --set service.host=null.qa.xxx-xxxx.
The best way to get the main error is by checking the pod while it is still running. Most of the time the issue is due to the application unable to start due to an underlying issues like liveness and readiness probe failures, crashloopback errors etc. Then the pod get terminated and causes helm atomic timeout after the deployment time elapse