I have a custom VBA function in Excel using two ranges
Function JOIN(r1 As Range, r2 As Range) As String
I copy this function using AutoFill. I want the first range to be fixed (it's a header row) and the second range to be dynamic. How can that be done?
Just use relative/absolute references when using your function like you'd do with other functions/formulas:
$A$1 = Headercell A1 will remain the one you want for r1
A$1 = If you want to drag/autofill to the side as well
$A1 = If you want the column to remain the same but not the row
A1 = everything changes depending on where you drag it to
See documentation
In your case: =JOIN($A$1;A2)
would be a use of your function
Could also go to row 1 of r1 but that's more of a hassle since headers aren't always on the first row.