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Y86 bubble sort program not sorting properly

I am trying to convert a bubble sort program from assembly to Y86. I started with this C code and then converted it to assembly:

void bubbleSort2(long arr[], long len) {
    long i;         // inner loop index
    long tmp;       // temp for swapping
    long *arr_curr; // pointer to element in arr
    long *arr_next; // pointer to next element in arr

    while (len > 1) {
        arr_curr = arr; // begin at the start of arr
        i = 0;
        while (i < len-1) {
            arr_next = arr_curr + 1;  // set next pointer
            if (*arr_curr > *arr_next) {
                // Swap the two elements
                // to bubble up the larger value
                tmp = *arr_curr;
                *arr_curr = *arr_next;
                *arr_next = tmp;
            arr_curr = arr_next;  // move to the next element 

So far I've come up with the following:

# Execution begins at address 0 
    .pos 0 
    irmovq stack, %rsp   # Set up stack pointer  
    call main            # Execute main program
    halt                 # Terminate program 

# Array
    .align 8
    .quad 0x64
    .quad 0x34
    .quad 0x40
    .quad 0x25
    .quad 0x12
    .quad 0x22
    .quad 0x11
    .quad 0x90
    .quad 0x55
    .quad 0x42

    irmovq arr, %rdi    
    irmovq $10, %rsi
    call bubble

# start bubble
   irmovq $1, %rax
   rrmovq %rsi, %r8
   subq %rax, %r8
   irmovq $1, %r9
   irmovq $0, %rcx
   rrmovq %rdi, %r10
   addq %rcx, %r10
   mrmovq (%r10), %r11
   mrmovq 8(%r10), %r12
   subq %r12, %r11
   jle no_swap
   subq %r11, %r12
   je no_swap
   jg swap
   mrmovq (%r10), %r11
   mrmovq 8(%r10), %r12
   rmmovq %r11, 8(%r10)
   rmmovq %r12, (%r10)
   irmovq $8, %r13
   addq %r13, %rcx
   subq %rax, %r8
   jg inner_loop
   rrmovq %rdi, %r10
   subq %rax, %r8
   jg outer_loop
# end bubble
# The stack starts here and grows to lower addresses
    .pos 0x200      

I keep getting this:

Changes to memory:
0x0018: 0x0000000000000064  0x0000000000000034
0x0020: 0x0000000000000034  0x0000000000000040
0x0028: 0x0000000000000040  0x0000000000000025
0x0030: 0x0000000000000025  0x0000000000000012
0x0038: 0x0000000000000012  0x0000000000000022
0x0040: 0x0000000000000022  0x0000000000000011
0x0048: 0x0000000000000011  0x0000000000000064
0x0050: 0x0000000000000090  0x0000000000000055
0x0058: 0x0000000000000055  0x0000000000000042
0x0060: 0x0000000000000042  0x0000000000000090
0x01f0: 0x0000000000000000  0x0000000000000085
0x01f8: 0x0000000000000000  0x0000000000000013

When I try with less than 5 elements, it's sorted but when i do 10, it's never sorted. Why does that happen? What is the problem with what I wrote, and how can it be corrected?


  • subq %r12, %r11
    jle no_swap
    subq %r11, %r12
    je no_swap
    jg swap

    I get it that you are using a subtraction to replace a comparison, but what I don't get is the reason for that second subtraction.
    Without the second subtraction, there would also be no reason to reload %r12 (using cmpq you wouldn't need to reload either!):

       subq   %r12, %r11
       jle    no_swap
       mrmovq (%r10), %r11
       rmmovq %r11, 8(%r10)
       rmmovq %r12, (%r10)

    Outer loop runs only once

    subq %rax, %r8
    jg inner_loop
    rrmovq %rdi, %r10
    subq %rax, %r8
    jg outer_loop

    The inner loop ends on %r8 becoming 0. The subq %rax, %r8 that follows will leave %r8 at -1 and so jg outer_loop will stop there and then.
    What could make sense is that you decrement the number of elements in the array (contained in %rsi):

    subq %rax, %rsi    # 10 -> 9 -> 8 ... 3 -> 2
    cmpq %rax, %rsi
    jne  outer_loop