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Use Ternary operator in Groovy ,Spock and Rest Assured Testing - Intergation Test

I have below code where I want to replace values based on where section of the test:

void 'should pass some test() {
            "startDateTime" : ${myTime? "$myTime" : null}
   //...... some when
   //...... some then
   productOrderId | myTime
   "1"            | "2023-04-23T07:13:15.862Z"  
   "2"            | "null" 

This tests works for null but gives error for value like "2023-04-23T07:13:15.862Z"

nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: Unexpected character ('-' (code 45)): was expecting comma to separate Object entries

I think somehow the "startDateTime" is not getting the value as wrapped around double quotes "" and getting as below

  "startDateTime" : 2023-04-23T07:13:15.862Z   // missing quotes around the value

and that could be the issue. Can someone help me understand this and fix this error for string interpolation


  • Try with \ to handle the double quotes

    "startDateTime" : ${myTime? "\"${myTime}\"" : null}