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Why are setters overwritten instead of being called when used within web components?

I am attempting to learn how to make a custom table with web components, and I'm trying to define properties on my custom elements with getters and setters. Here is a very simple table with one column, and a custom row element that has a line_number property. Creating a custom table and then setting line_number works as expected, with the setter being called and putting the value in the appropriate element. However, if line_number is set by the custom table's constructor as in serial-log-setter-broken below, the setter is not called and appears to be deleted (attempting to call it later does nothing).

customElements.define('serial-log-setter-broken', class extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {

      mode: 'open'
    }).innerHTML = `
                        <th>Line Number</th>

    this.rows = []

    for (let i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
      this.rows[i] = document.createElement('tr', {
        is: 'serial-log-entry'

      // .line_number's setter isn't called here, and seems to be deleted instead
      this.rows[i].line_number = i + 1


customElements.define('serial-log-setter-working', class extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {

      mode: 'open'
    }).innerHTML = `
                        <th>Line Number</th>

    this.rows = []

    for (let i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
      this.rows[i] = document.createElement('tr', {
        is: 'serial-log-entry'

customElements.define('serial-log-entry', class extends HTMLTableRowElement {
  constructor() {

    this.innerHTML = '<td>1</td>'

    this._line_number_cell = this.querySelector('td')

  get line_number() {
    return Number(this._line_number_cell.textContent)
  set line_number(v) {
    console.log('Setter called')
    this._line_number_cell.textContent = Number(v)
}, {
  extends: 'tr'

console.log('This will print nothing')
document.getElementsByTagName('serial-log-setter-broken')[0].rows.forEach((v, i) => {
  v.line_number = i + 1

console.log('This will print "Setter called" 4 times')
document.getElementsByTagName('serial-log-setter-working')[0].rows.forEach((v, i) => {
  v.line_number = i + 1
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>Setter overwritten</title>



Why does the setter work when used from outside the web component, but gets deleted when used from inside it?

Note: serial-log-setter-broken and serial-log-setter-working are nearly identical, and differ in whether the line_number setter is used.


  • It about the order of definition.

    The serial-log-setter-broken is defined and executed before the serial-log-entry is defined. You can check this by adding a log message into the constructor of the serial-log-setter-broken element. The log message is printed before the "This will print nothing" message.

    It is a strange behavior. I wasn't aware of it myself.

    When you move the definition of the serial-log-entry above the serial-log-setter-broken definition then it works.

    Note, you may reconsider extending built-in elements as Safari (the new IE) refuses to support the "is" attribute. See here and here.