So, Im changing the rich text editor from Quill to tinyMCE,The issue Im facing is when I upload an image from the local machine, I'm getting it as a file when getting using tinymce.activeEditor.getContent()
. something like this<img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="......">
I need it to be converted to a file URL. Something like this
Which will be from the database. How do I do that?
I believe I can use PreInit()
for this, but I'm not sure,
This is my init setup for tinyMCE for now
images_upload_handler: scope.image_upload_handler(),
setup: function(editor) {
editor.on('Paste Change input Undo Redo', function () {
editorChangeHandlerId = setTimeout(function() {
scope.ngModel = tinymce.activeEditor.getContent();
}, 100);
and here is the scope.image_upload_handler function, It saves the image to s3 and I can get the file URL as a response, what I'm trying to achieve is which is the correct method to be used at someMethod
and someOtherMethod
scope.image_upload_handler = function () {
// Listen upload local image and save to server
scope.input.onchange = function() {
const file = scope.input.files[0];
// file type is only image.
if (/^image\//.test(file.type)) {
scope.fileUploading = true;
commonSrv.fnFileUpload(file, {"pathToBeSave":'tinyMceImages'}).then(function(response) {
scope.fileUploading = false;
var fileUrl = bbConfig.CLOUD_ASSET_STORAGE_URL + '/tinyMceImages/' +'"', '').replace('"', '');
var range = tinymce.someMethod();
tinymce.someOtherMethod(range.index, 'image', fileUrl);
} else {
console.warn('You could only upload images.');
Here is a solution to my own question:
function image_upload_handler(blobInfo, progress) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
.fnFileUpload(blobInfo.blob(), { pathToBeSave: "tinyMceImages" })
.then(function (response) {
if (response.status == 200) {
var fileUrl =
"/" +
pathToBeSave +
"/" +'"', "").replace('"', "");
} else {
reject(response.status + " Some Error Occurred");
I moved the function from the scope
object to a standalone function. It is used once TinyMCE is initialized. Though, it's not related to my problem.
After going through the TinyMce documentation I have found an actual way to implement this. You can refer to the documentation