I'm trying to create multiple accordions, based on the number of elements received, using bootstrap vue components.
I've created an accordion, similar to how the docs suggest: https://bootstrap-vue.org/docs/components/collapse#accordion-support
Now, I only want clicking on one element to open that accordion. I have given a dynamic id (the index from the parent v-for element) using v-bind, and now want to set the prop v-b-toggle.accordion-{{index}}
, where index is the index from the v-for.
I've added *** before and after the prop in the code below to help find it.
Here's my code below to hopefully explain more:
v-for="(book, index) in data"
<b-card-header header-tag="header" class="p-1" role="tab">
<b-button block ***v-b-toggle.accordion-{{index}}*** variant="light"
>{{ book.title }} <span class="mx-4"> - </span>
{{ book.rating }}</b-button
:id="String('accordion-' + (index))"
<b-card-body style="min-height: 300px">
Hard coding it as b-toggle.accordion-1
works, so I think the dynamic value for :id works. I just can't get the accordion number dynamic.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
In the b-button, I ended up with:
v-b-toggle="'accordion-' + index"
and in the b-collapse:
:id="'accordion-' + index"