Search code examples

getServerSideProps implementation resulting different props

I'm new in using NextJS and still learning about SSR, i had hard time understanding getServerSideProps() functionality, it's says that should replace useState for it be rendered on backend, but i got different props from what i gave to it and returning only some params attributes

export async function getServerSideProps() {
  return {
      props: {
        followNasa: true,
        user: {name:'name1', username:'username1', photoUrl:''}

export default function OverviewPage( props ) {
  return (
    <div className='w-full min-h-screen py-10 px-16 flex flex-col bg-gray-200'>
        <p>user: {JSON.stringify(props.user)} & {JSON.stringify(props)}</p>

code above renders string:

user: & {"params":{},"searchParams":{}}

what causes this and how to correct it? Thanks


  • I've tried your code, and it works as expected. I've got:

    user: {"name":"name1","username":"username1","photoUrl":""} & {"followNasa":true,"user":{"name":"name1","username":"username1","photoUrl":""}}

    You can see it running on

    getServerSideProps will work only when running next dev or next start because it needs an actual running server to be able to execute getServerSideProps.