Search code examples

Bypassing record limit in API Call using Powershell

I'm using Powershell to fetch a list of locations from a vendor site, using an API call:

# Set the initial page and limit values
$page = 1
$limit = 1000

# Initialize an array to hold all the data
$allData = @()

# Set the headers with the token key
$headers = @{
    'Content-Type' = 'application/json'
    'Authorization' = 'Bearer SomeTokenKey'
    'Accept'= 'application/json'

# Loop until all data is retrieved
while ($true) {
    # Set the API endpoint URL with the current page and limit values
    $uri = "$page&limit=$limit"

    # Make the API call and retrieve the data
    $responseData = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method GET -Headers $headers -Body $body

    # Add the retrieved data to the allData array
    $allData += $

    # Check if all data has been retrieved
    if ($responseData.meta.pagination.current_page -eq $responseData.meta.pagination.total_pages) {

    # Set the page and limit values for the next API call
    $page = $responseData.meta.pagination.current_page + 1
    $limit = $responseData.meta.pagination.per_page

# Export all the data to a CSV file
$allData | Export-Csv -Path 'c:\extracts\locations.csv' -NoTypeInformation -Force

The vendor has a limitation of extracting 1000 records max per call. The vendor API documentation states that pagination is supported:

The site utilizes an offset/limit based pagination via the limit and page parameters where the offset is automatically calculated based on the parameters provided.

Link: <>; rel="next", 
      <>; rel="last"

My goal is to extract all records at source, but the above script only returns 1000 records.

(A) Have I not implemented this correctly?

(B) Will using pagination bypass the record limit?

Any thoughts?


  • I played around the code, and got it do to what I needed:

    # API endpoint
    $apiUrl = ''
    # API credentials
    $accessToken = 'InsertTokenHere'
    # Set the limit and initial page
    $limit = 1000
    $page = 1
    # Initialize the locations array
    $locations = @()
    do {
        # Construct the API request URL with pagination parameters
        $url = '{0}?limit={1}&page={2}&expand=locationHours' -f $apiUrl, $limit, $page
        try {
            # Invoke the REST API to fetch locations
            $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Headers @{ Authorization = "Bearer $accessToken" }
            # Add the fetched locations to the locations array
            $locations += $
            # Increment the page number for the next API request
        catch {
            # Output the error message and break out of the loop
            Write-Host "API request failed with error: $_"
    } until ($ -ne $limit)
    if ($locations) {
        # Output the fetched locations to a CSV file
        $locations | Export-Csv -Path "locations.csv" -NoTypeInformation
        # Output success message with record count
        $recordCount = $locations.Count
        Write-Host "Successfully fetched and saved $recordCount records to locations.csv."
    } else {
        Write-Host "No Records were fetched."