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Maven Test Execution by Tags with JUNIT5 and Surefire

I have test and tagged the tests by the @Tag annotation from the org.junit.jupiter.api package.

This is the pom.xml

public class BubblegumApiIT {

Now I want to execute just the tests that are tagged by "one". When I configure the JUNIT with Intellj (instead of 'CLASS' I use 'TAGS') it works. However, the equivalent mvn command does not work.

The equivalent maven command would be mvn -Dgroups=one test or?

But I am executing exactly 0 tests then.

Anybody had this issue before?


  • By default, the Surefire Plugin will automatically include all test classes with the following wildcard patterns:

    • "**/Test*.java" - includes all of its subdirectories and all Java filenames that start with "Test".
    • "**/*" - includes all of its subdirectories and all Java filenames that end with "Test".
    • "**/*" - includes all of its subdirectories and all Java filenames that end with "Tests".
    • "**/*" - includes all of its subdirectories and all Java filenames that end with "TestCase".

    Your test class do not follow the default wildcard patterns. Either rename it or specify in the plugin configuration.
