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Pimpl idiom through macro

I try to reduce code duplication in a class which implements the pimpl idiom.

Imagine I have a header Foo.h. For better readability, I have reduced the methods.

class FooImp;

class Foo
    void A(int x);
    void B(int x, double b);

    FooImp* _imp;

Then I have an implementation file like the following:

class FooImp
    void A(int x) {}
    void B(int x, double b) {}

class Logger{};
class Measure{};

void Foo::A(int x)
    Measure m;
    Logger log;

void Foo::B(int x, double b)
    Measure m;
    _imp->B(x, b);
    Logger log;

So around the function call, I measure something, log something and so on... The construct is always the same. I would like to have a macro that reduces the code overhead here if possible. I imagine something like this:

#define PIMPL_FUNCTION(x, ...)  \
    void Foo::x                 \
    {                           \
        Measure m;              \
        ptr->x(...);            \  
        Logger log;             \
    }                           \

PIMPL_FUNCTION(A(int x), x);
PIMPL_FUNCTION(B(int x, double b), x, b)    

Of course, this code snippet does not compile. I am unsure if what I am trying is even possible with macros. I am open to any ideas or suggestions.

A little background. All these methods are going to be API-calls for a library and the number of methods is going to increase.


  • MACRO's are not the first thing you should try in C++. They have a lot of downsides. Instead you should try to use (function) templates if you can.

    Like in this online demo :

    And source code :

    #include <iostream>
    #include <memory>
    class FooImp
        void A(int x)
            std::cout << "FooImp::A(" << x << ")\n";
        int B(int x)
            std::cout << "FooImp::B(" << x << ")\n";
            return x * x;
    class Foo
        Foo() : 
            _imp{ std::make_unique<FooImp>() }
        void A(int x)
            // use a lambda funtion to call _imp->A
            call_impl([&] { _imp->A(x); });
        int B(int x)
            // use a lambda funtion to call _imp->B to show return values work too
            return call_impl([&] { return _imp->B(x); });
        // No MACRO use a function template 
        // see lamdba functions
        // decltype(fn()) = return type of function fn
        template<typename fn_t>
        auto call_impl(fn_t fn) -> decltype(fn()) // pass a function object (lambda/std::function)
            std::cout << "Construct Measure here\n";
            if constexpr (std::is_same_v<void, decltype(fn()) >)
                std::cout << "Construct Log here\n";
                auto retval = fn();
                std::cout << "Construct Log here\n";
                return retval;
        std::unique_ptr<FooImp> _imp; // do NOT use raw pointers
    int main()
        Foo foo;
        std::cout << foo.B(2) << "\n";
        return 0;