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How to set a Theme's numericTickStrategy?

LightningChart Version: 3.4.0.

This is my code. I tried to set the "numericTickStrategy" property of "lightNew" theme globally, but it doesn't works. MyDemo

I can use "setTickStrategy" method by this:

chart.getDefaultAxisX().setTickStrategy(AxisTickStrategies.Numeric, (strategy) =>
    // Format ticks with units.
    .setFormattingFunction((timeScaled) =>
      (timeScaled / this.DATA_FREQUENCY_HZ).toFixed(2)
    .setMajorTickStyle((tickStyle) =>
      tickStyle.setLabelFont((font) => setFont(font))
    .setMinorTickStyle((tickStyle) =>
      tickStyle.setLabelFont((font) => setFont(font)).setTickPadding(3)

But my purpose is to set the "numericTickStrategy" property globally for a Theme once, so that I don't need to configure the "numericTickStrategy" property again when I use this Theme. Is there some way?


  • Themes are readonly, so you can't modify them like

    Themes.light.myProperty = something

    Rather, you should define a new theme that can be based on another, something like:

    const myTheme = { 
       myProperty: something,
    export myTheme

    Please find good references of working with Themes over at lcjs-themes, an open-source repository with ready to use LCJS themes, easily customizable themes as well as setting up an example of how to make your own themes.

    (Or if above link doesn't work )

    You can search for new NumericTickStrategy in the file.

    Please note that lcjs-themes is not compatible with LCJS v3.4! You can either migrate to v4.0, or just reference the part around how to use new NumericTickStrategy - that part is unchanged for v3.4.

    For migration, please closely reference the migration guide: