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Flutter parsing error after correct response

Am a beginner in flutter development and am currently using dio for handling api calls. Currently the response is showing in the correct format after printing it. But in the parsing session I got error like this "type 'List' is not a subtype of type 'Map<String, dynamic>'"

my model class

import 'package:object_mapper/object_mapper.dart';

class BottomNavListItem with Mappable {
int? id;
String? name;

void mapping(Mapper map) {
map("id", id, (v) => id = v);
map("name", name, (v) => name = v);


response handling class

Future<List<BottomNavListItem>?> getFamilyStatus(String url) async {
Response response;
List<BottomNavListItem>? bottomNavListModel;
try {
response = await WebUtil.createDio().get(url);
if (kDebugMode) {
bottomNavListModel =
} on DioError catch (e) {

print(; will prints : [{id: 1, name: test}, {id: 2, name: MiddleClass}, {id: 3, name: UpperMiddleClass}, {id: 4, name: Rich}] which is Json Array in correct format. Anybody knows a solution pls help....


  • you need to parse the data like this{

    and update model like this...

    class BottomNavListItem with Mappable {
      int? id;
      String? name;
      void mapping(Mapper map) {
        map("id", id, (v) => id = v);
        map("name", name, (v) => name = v);
      BottomNavListItem.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
        id = json['id'];
        name = json['name'];