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"Your Android App Bundle has more than 1 certificate chain."

I built my app bundle using flutter and then signed it using the jarsigner as recommended.

jarsigner -sigalg MD5withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore keystore.jks -storepass *** -keypass *** signed.aab *keyalias*

However, when I upload the app bundle to the google play store I get this error

Your Android App Bundle has more than 1 certificate chain. Ensure your App Bundle has only 1 certificate chain and try again.


  • You must have signing already configured by default in Flutter. If so, applying jarsigner again would sign it a second time.

    If you want to sign using jarsigner, consider removing the signing block from your Gradle config or manually deleting the *.RSA, *.DSA and *.MF files under the META-INF directory before running the jarsigner command.

    Maybe better however would be to correctly set the signing configuration in the Gradle config directly so you don't have to run jarsigner at all.