May I ask how to search in the succeeding rows after matched cell, for a value with specific string and return the value along with the first matched cell
here is the sample of my code
Sub test()
x = 1
For Line = 2 To Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
If InStr(1, Range("B" & Line), "Main") <> 0 And InStr(1, Range("B" & Line), "Sub") <> 0 Then
x = x + 1
Range("F" & x) = Range("B" & Line)
Range("E" & x) = Range("A" & Line)
Range("G" & x) = Range("B" & Line).
End If
End Sub
I'm having problem returning the value at column G that is related to the match at column E and F
here is the sample of what should the code must do
Try this code:
Option Explicit
Sub SubDataExtraction()
Dim DblIndex As Double
Dim VarResult() As Variant
Dim RngResult As Range
Dim RngCell As Range
Dim RngData As Range
Dim StrSearchWord01 As String
Dim StrSearchWord02 As String
Dim StrSearchWord03 As String
Set RngData = Range(Range("B2"), Range("B" & Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row))
Set RngResult = Range("E2")
StrSearchWord01 = "Main"
StrSearchWord02 = "Sub"
StrSearchWord03 = "animal"
ReDim VarResult(1 To RngData.Rows.Count, 1 To 3)
'Covering each cell of RngData.
For Each RngCell In RngData
'Checking if RngCell contains both StrSearchWord01 and StrSearchWord02.
If InStr(1, RngCell.Value2, StrSearchWord01) <> 0 And InStr(1, RngCell.Value2, StrSearchWord02) <> 0 Then
'Setting DblIndex for the next row of results.
DblIndex = DblIndex + 1
'Reporting the values in VarResult (column 1 and 2).
VarResult(DblIndex, 1) = RngCell.Offset(0, -1).Value2
VarResult(DblIndex, 2) = RngCell.Value2
End If
'Checking if RngCell contains StrSearchWord03 and if VarResult hasn't already a value in the first and third column.
If InStr(1, RngCell.Value2, StrSearchWord03) <> 0 And _
VarResult(Excel.WorksheetFunction.Max(DblIndex, 1), 3) = "" And _
VarResult(Excel.WorksheetFunction.Max(DblIndex, 1), 1) <> "" _
'Reporting the value in VarResult (column 3).
VarResult(DblIndex, 3) = RngCell.Value2
End If
'Reporting the result in RngResult properly expanded.
RngResult.Resize(DblIndex, UBound(VarResult, 2)).Value2 = VarResult
End Sub