I have razor page menu that has three level of drop-down values are saved in three tables in SQL Database and are linked with parent id
Table Directory directoryId, DirectoryName
Table Department departmentId, DepartmentName, DirectoryId
Table Sector sectorId, SectorName, DepartmentId
so the logic is that each directory has its own departments that have own sectors i need help how to query Tables so result would be in a way of tree view
Assuming you are using MSSQL, and in the absence of any sample data, I think the TSQL query could be:
WITH tree_view AS (
SELECT directoryId, DirectoryName, CAST(DirectoryName AS VARCHAR(1024)) AS tree
FROM Directory
SELECT d.departmentId, d.DepartmentName, tree_view.tree + ' > ' + d.DepartmentName
FROM Department d
JOIN tree_view ON tree_view.directoryId = d.DirectoryId
SELECT s.sectorId, s.SectorName, tree_view.tree + ' > ' + s.SectorName
FROM Sector s
JOIN tree_view ON tree_view.departmentId = s.DepartmentId
SELECT * FROM tree_view;
If you are not using MSSQL you can probably use double pipes ||
instead of plus symbols to perform the concatenations, or use a CONCAT() function.