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OpenSCAD: Add spheric indents to a box

I created a box using "boxes.scad". I subtracted a slightly thinner box to create a hollow one. Now i want to create spherical indents on the box (see picture), but if i subtract a sphere from the box i just get a hole. How can one create the indents like in the picture? Box made in Blender


  • If I understand your problem correctly, what you have now is on the right of this image and what you need is on the left :


    Then what you can do is to subtract a slightly bigger sphere from the slightly thinner box before doing the main subtraction. Here is an example of what I mean :

    a = 16;
    b = 1;
    c = 12;
    d = 6;
    difference(){ // main subtraction
        cube(a, center = true); // slightly bigger box
            cube([a - 2 * b, a - 2 * b, 2 * a], center = true); // slightly thinner box
            translate([c, 0, 0])
            sphere(d + b); // slightly bigger sphere
        translate([c, 0, 0])
        sphere(d); // slightly smaller sphere
        translate([0, a, 0])
        cube(2 * a, center = true); // cube that hides half of the result just to see better

    Note that the two spheres have the same translation and the difference between their radii is simply the thickness of the wall.