Since you can't subtype LinearProgressIndicator, I've been trying to subtype BaseProgressIndicator (for fun) as a derived Kotlin class I'm calling AdvancedLinearProgressIndicator. I stumbled on the following issue:
'public open fun createSpec(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet): LinearProgressIndicatorSpec defined in AdvancedLinearProgressIndicator' has no access to 'public/*package*/ abstract fun createSpec(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet): LinearProgressIndicatorSpec! defined in', so it cannot override it
The Java code for BaseProgressIndicator is here:, but I think the important parts to consider are:
public abstract class BaseProgressIndicator<S extends BaseProgressIndicatorSpec>
extends ProgressBar {
S spec;
protected BaseProgressIndicator(
@NonNull Context context,
@Nullable AttributeSet attrs,
@AttrRes final int defStyleAttr,
@StyleRes final int defStyleRes) {
super(wrap(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, DEF_STYLE_RES), attrs, defStyleAttr);
spec = createSpec(context, attrs);
abstract S createSpec(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull AttributeSet attrs);
Here is the Kotlin code I started creating:
class AdvancedLinearProgressIndicator(
context: Context,
attrs: AttributeSet?,
@AttrRes defStyleAttr: Int
) : BaseProgressIndicator<LinearProgressIndicatorSpec>(
) {
override fun createSpec(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet): LinearProgressIndicatorSpec {
return LinearProgressIndicatorSpec(context, attrs)
No matter what I tried, Kotlin won't let me override createSpec()
Also, I can't access the spec
member field from BaseProgressIndicator in AdvancedLinearProgressIndicator either...
Any thoughts?
By the way, I tried to mimic this issue as follows:
import android.content.Context;
public abstract class BaseSpec {
protected BaseSpec(Context context) {
abstract void validateSpec();
public final class AdvancedSpec extends BaseSpec {
public AdvancedSpec(Context context) {
void validateSpec() {
import android.content.Context;
import android.widget.ProgressBar;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
public abstract class Basic<S extends BaseSpec> extends ProgressBar {
S spec;
protected Basic(@NonNull Context context) {
spec = createSpec(context);
abstract S createSpec(@NonNull Context context);
// Advanced.kt
import android.content.Context
class Advanced(context: Context) : Basic<AdvancedSpec>(context) {
override fun createSpec(context: Context): AdvancedSpec {
return AdvancedSpec(context)
This test code works fine... no issue with the createSpec()
method in my derived Kotlin class - and no issue access the spec
member field...
In Java, members of a class that are not marked with any access modifiers are package-private. They can only be accessed within the package in which the class is declared. The createSpec
method is such a member.
Since your Kotlin code is in another package, not
, you cannot access createSpec
, so you cannot override it.
Also, if you were allowed to override it, you would be exposing the method to the code in your own package, which is not supposed to happen.
Your attempt at mimicking the problem compiles just fine, presumably because you put all the code in the same package.
Since what you are doing is just "for fun", you can create your own
package and put the BaseProgressIndicator
subclass in there.
// move the file to this package too!
class AdvancedLinearProgressIndicator(...) : BaseProgressIndicator(...) {
// ...