Search code examples

Alfresco search by xpath in the javascript console

I've trouble starting to learn how to perform queries in alfresco xpath. I'm working in the alfresco javascript console as a prototipization and for proof of concept.

The final goal is to find all children of a node of a certain type (in my case, 'doc:doc'), or, as an alternative, I'd like to exclude the thumbnails (renditions).

assuming that the node is called "node", I already tried the following: node.childrenByXPath('*//.') //the search works, but no filter on type ... but none of these works node.childrenByXPath("*//[@type='doc:doc']") node.childrenByXPath("*//.[TYPE='doc:doc']") node.childrenByXPath("TYPE='doc:doc'") node.childrenByXPath("+TYPE='doc:doc'")

Can anyone help or at least point me a good tutorial on this topic? i've followed but there are no examples on how to specify the type of a node



  • childrenByXPath only filters on the PATH (check node browser for the "Primary Path" on a node to see how a qname path looks like). There is no Type on the qname path.

    You may want to use the search API instead:

    var def =
    query: "PATH:'"+ node.qnamePath +"/*' AND TYPE:'doc:doc' AND !TYPE:'cm:thumbnail'",
    language: "fts-alfresco"
    var results = search.query(def);