I have script. which i need to convert to vue3 composition API. Tried to convert this to compoistion API, resulting in many errors
export default {
props: {
field: {
type: Object,
required: true
formValues: {
type: Object,
required: true
debug: {
type: Boolean,
required: false
data() {
return {
fieldValue: '' // Store the field value locally in the component
watch: {
fieldValue: {
immediate: true,
handler() {
// Trigger validation when the local field value changes
key: this.field.key,
value: this.fieldValue,
computed: {
showFeild() {
if (this.field.showIf == undefined) {
//check if visible is present or not
return true;
try {
console.log("showExpression ", this.formValues);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
var form = this.formValues;
var res = eval(this.field.showIf);
return res;
} catch (e) {
console.error("Please fix expression ", this.field.showIf, "for ", this.field.key);
return true;
validateField() {
if (this.field.required && (!this.fieldValue || this.fieldValue.trim() === '')) {
return false;
// Add more validation rules as needed
return true;
I tried with below code but having problem implementing the props, watch, compute.
The below snippet is of what I was doing.
* FileName: Template.js With Composition API
* this has multiple errors
import { ref, computed ,defineProps} from "vue";
export default function () {
const fieldValue = ref(0);
const props = defineProps({
field: Object
//watch feild value
const showFeild = computed(() => {
if (props.field.showIf == undefined) {
//check if visible is present or not
return true;
try {
console.log("showExpression ", this.formValues);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
var form = this.formValues;
var res = eval(props.field.showIf);
return res;
} catch (e) {
console.error("Please fix expression ", props.field.showIf, "for ", props.field.key);
return true;
const validateField = computed(() => {
if (props.field.required && (!props.fieldValue || props.fieldValue.trim() === '')) {
return false;
// Add more validation rules as needed
return true;
return {
I am importing this into another component by.
import useComp from './Template.js'
and using this in the setup method. CompA.vue.
const {fieldValue,showFeild,validateField} = useComp()
is not composition API but a macro for script setup
syntax that compiles to props
option, it cannot be used in a composable.
In case a prop is reactive and can change over time, it needs to be passed as a computed to the composable:
function useComp(field, formValues) {
try {
console.log("showExpression ", unref(formValues));
} catch (e) {
console.error("Please fix expression ", unref(field).showIf, "for ", unref(field).key);
And used like:
useComp(computed(() => props.field), computed(() => props.formValues))