I need to move up and down using three.js's pointerlockcontrols
. I am looking for the same kind of movement as three.js's flycontrols
, where the amount you move up and down is proportional to the direction you are looking in (ie. if your looking north-east, you move in the Y and Z directions at the same rate).
I tried:
if(keys[38] || keys[87]){
Camera.position.y += Math.cos(Camera.rotation.y) * playerSpeed;
Where keys is just a object of all the keys and whether they are down, however this didn't give the appropriate behavior, as looking straight down also moved you forward a lot.
Has anyone ever accomplished or knows how to do this?
You can change the implementation of moveForward(distance) to this:
moveForward(distance) {
const camera = this.camera;
camera.position.addScaledVector(_vector, distance);
The original implementation uses the camera's side- and up-vectors to calculate the one pointing in the forward direction -> this enables the intended movement in the xz-plane.
My change just uses the already existing getDirection
method and applies the travelled distance on the resulting vector.