This is a sample code for creating COM. first Create a new instance of the Win32_PnPEntity WMI class then Create a new instance of the Win32_PnPEntity class. It seems to some things wrong with Win23_PnPEntity.
I run this "wmic /namespace:\root\cimv2 path Win32_PnPEntity get ProviderType /format:list " and get "Node - DEV-2023 ERROR: Description = Invalid query"
ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(@"\\.\root\cimv2");
// Create a new instance of the Win32_SerialPort WMI class
ManagementClass serialClass = new ManagementClass(scope, new ManagementPath("Win32_SerialPort"), new ObjectGetOptions());
// Create a new instance of the Win32_SerialPort class
ManagementObject serial = serialClass.CreateInstance();
// Set the properties for the new serial port
serial["DeviceID"] = "COM3"; // Set the COM port number
serial["Name"] = "My Serial Port"; // Set the name of the port
serial["Description"] = "This is my serial port"; // Set the description
serial["Caption"] = "My Serial Port"; // Set the caption
//serial["ProviderType"] = "RS232"; // Set the provider type
// Save the new serial port instance
After some search about this, it seems, creating a virtual serial port requires kernel-level support, usually in the form of a driver. As such, this cannot be done in C#.