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Rest endpoint request code [200] produces an empty Json file?

I am trying to query and ArcGIS rest endpoint and copy it's features to a locally hosted feature class. My request gives me code [200] indicating that it successfully retrieves the rest end point, but when I write my data to a json file there is no data.

Here is my request code:

#Get data from rest service 
params = {'where':'1=1','outFields':'*','f':'json','returnGeometry': True, 'geometryType':'esriGeometryPolygon'}
r = requests.get("url",params)
#Check results of get request 
data = r.json()
#save JSON to disc 
with open("json file path",'w') as f:
    json.dump(data, f)
#Copy json data to feature class
arcpy.JSONToFeatures_conversion("json file path", "feature class")

This is the rest endpoint I am trying to download from:


  • The URL you are using is pointing the service, not the layer. Add the layer ID to the URL and your code should work.

    For example:

    Note the /0/ before the query part, which points to the "Cache Parcels" layer.