I am trying to simplify my AAD housekeeping tasks by creating a script. However, I am having trouble with...
- The "last logon part" in the query does not return value but it works when its by its own
- The conversion of last logon from Zulu time to align with other datetime output format
# Work on this after I can get "last logon" value
$timestamp = '2017-08-03T12:30:00.000Z'
$datetime = ([DateTime]$timestamp).ToUniversalTime()
Can someone provide some guidance on how to do this correctly?
Here is the code:
Get-MsolUser -MaxResults 3 |
Select-Object DisplayName,
@{n="Enabled";e={(Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId $_.ObjectId).accountEnabled}},
@{n="PwAge";e={(New-TimeSpan -Start ($_.LastPasswordChangeTimestamp) -End (Get-Date) ).Days}},
@{n="Manager";e={(Get-AzureADUserManager -ObjectId $_.ObjectId).UserPrincipalName}},
@{n="Last Login";e={((Get-AzureADAuditSignInLogs -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq '$($_.UserPrincipalName)'" -Top 1).CreatedDateTime)}}|
Sort-Object PwAge -descending
Thank you!
Please update the script with correct filter syntax as mentioned below:
@{n="Last Login";e={(Get-AzureADAuditSignInLogs -Filter "startsWith(userPrincipalName,'$($_.UserPrincipalName)')" -Top 1).CreatedDateTime}
I used this in a sample script and was able to generate the output as well.