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Why is my copy and paste code getting an "Object Required" error?

When I run my code to copy and paste data from my UserForm to my worksheet, I am getting an "Object Required" error. I'm not really sure why. Is the .Copy function not working with a value or is it on my UserForm? Is there a different function I should be using or am I just mistyping something in my code?

Here is my code:

Dim wsDest As Worksheet
Dim lCopyLastRow As Long
Dim lDestLastRow As Long

  Set wsDest = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("backend")

lDestLastRow = wsDest.Cells(wsDest.Rows.Count, "I").End(xlUp).Offset(1).Row

SalesForm.BHSDDATEIF.Value.Copy _
 wsDest.Range("I" & lDestLastRow)

SalesForm.BHSDREPNUMBERIF.Value.Copy _
 wsDest.Range("H" & lDestLastRow)
 wsDest.Range("S" & lDestLastRow)
SalesForm.BHSDTAPNAMELF.Value.Copy _
 wsDest.Range("T" & lDestLastRow)
 wsDest.Range("U" & lDestLastRow)
SalesForm.BHSDEMAILLF.Value.Copy _
 wsDest.Range("V" & lDestLastRow)
SalesForm.BHSDADDRESSLF.Value.Copy _
 wsDest.Range("W" & lDestLastRow)
SalesForm.BHSDCSZLF.Value.Copy _
 wsDest.Range("X" & lDestLastRow)
SalesForm.BHSDAMOUNTIF.Value.Copy _
 wsDest.Range("F" & lDestLastRow)
SalesForm.BHSDCCAMOUNTIF.Value.Copy _
 wsDest.Range("G" & lDestLastRow)
SalesForm.BHSDCARDNUMIF.Value.Copy _
 wsDest.Range("B" & lDestLastRow)
SalesForm.BHSDEXPIF.Value.Copy _
 wsDest.Range("C" & lDestLastRow)
SalesForm.BHSDCVVIF.Value.Copy _
 wsDest.Range("D" & lDestLastRow)
SalesForm.BHSDZIPIF.Value.Copy _
 wsDest.Range("E" & lDestLastRow)
SalesForm.BHSRUNDATEIF.Value.Copy _
 wsDest.Range("A" & lDestLastRow)
SalesForm.BHSDNOTESIF.Value.Copy _
 wsDest.Range("M" & lDestLastRow)
 End Sub```


  • SalesForm.BHSDDATEIF.Value is not an object, so it doesn't have a Copy method.

    Instead of copy/paste you should just assign the values directly to the range.


    wsDest.Range("I" & lDestLastRow) = SalesForm.BHSDDATEIF.Value