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eBay OAuth Authorize Grant Flow Invalid Parameters

I'm using the ebay-oauth-java-client to get an authorization url, however, this seems to not be working and complaining Error message:

{"error_id":"invalid_request","error_description":"Input request parameters are invalid.","http_status_code":400}

auth url with client secret added to end:


        OAuth2Api oauth2Api = new OAuth2Api();
        String state = "randomString"; // Optional state parameter for CSRF protection
        String authorizationUrl = oauth2Api.generateUserAuthorizationUrl(Environment.SANDBOX, SCOPES, Optional.of(state));
        return Mono.just(ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.FOUND)
                .headers(httpHeaders -> httpHeaders.add(HttpHeaders.LOCATION, authorizationUrl))

Any ideas as to what i could be doing wrong?


  • Figured it out. Redirect uri isn't really a uri, it expects a ebay RuName id: in the case below mine is Jaime_Moncayo-blabalablabla

    enter image description here

    therefore the authlink would be