I am usinng Firefox version 105.0.2 (64 bit), and noticed that for every single page I visit, in the Dev Console there is an error:
Error: An unexpected error occurred
Link to the full code: https://pastebin.com/GhiEvqfg
The specified line:
e.runtime.lastError ? e.runtime.lastError.message === t ? n() : r(e.runtime.lastError) : o && o.__mozWebExtensionPolyfillReject__ ? r(new Error(o.message)) : n(o)
I do not know what this file or this line does, but should this be something that should be of a concern?
In my case, was a extension named "Simulateur Mobile" (https://addons.mozilla.org/es/firefox/addon/simulateur-mobile). After disabling that extension, the error is gone.