I have a Javascript object where one of the keys is a getter and I want to convert the entire object to a Lua table in order to use it in a wiki module. So far I have managed to find how to convert all key,value pairs except the getter. I can't find any way to proceed.
The JS object is the following:
var obj = {
'acad': {
get d(){var t=[],c=this.tm;for(var i=0;i<this.mL;i++){var d=Math.round(c.a/c.b*Math.pow(c.c,i+1)-c.d)-(c.e!=undefined?(c.e[i]!=undefined?c.e[i]:0):0);t.push((d>1728e3?1728e3:d));}return t;}
and the Lua table so far is:
local obj = {
["acad"] = {
["mL"] = 50,
["w"] = {64,68,115,263,382,626},
["g"] = {0,0,0,0,225,428,744},
["mS"] = {0,8,12,16,22,28,35},
["tm"] = {
["a"] = 1440,
["b"] = 1,
["c"] = 1.2,
["d"] = 720,
["e"] = {984}
get d(){var t=[],c=this.tm;for(var i=0;i<this.mL;i++){var d=Math.round(c.a/c.b*Math.pow(c.c,i+1)-c.d)-(c.e!=undefined?(c.e[i]!=undefined?c.e[i]:0):0);t.push((d>1728e3?1728e3:d));}return t;}
Any ideas?
JS-like getter properties in Lua are possible (using metatables), but function members are preferred:
local obj = {
acad = {
mL = 50,
w = {64,68,115,263,382,626},
g = {0,0,0,0,225,428,744},
mS = {0,8,12,16,22,28,35},
tm = {a=1440, b=1, c=1.2, d=720, e={984}},
d = function(self)
local t, tm = {}, self.tm
for i = 1, self.mL do
local d = math.floor(tm.a / tm.b * tm.c ^ i - tm.d + .5) - (tm.e and tm.e[i] or 0)
table.insert(t, math.min(d, 1728000))
return t
-- How to get array "d":
local d = obj.acad:d()