I am trying to include a @Pattern validation for string elements inside a list using javax validation. Below is the simplified example:
public class ProgramRQDTO implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1L;
@Size(min = 2, max= 5)
private String lang;
private List<@Pattern(regexp="^[a-zA-Z_]+$") String> destinations;
This DTO is used as the body of a POST request in which the @Valid annotation is used.
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public Response method(@Valid @RequestBody MyDTO requestDto) {
ValidatorFactory factory = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory();
Validator validator = factory.getValidator();
Set<ConstraintViolation<MyDTO>> violations = validator.validate(requestDto);
This method, validator.validate(requestDto), throws an exception.
javax.validation.ValidationException: HV000187: When using type annotation constraints on parameterized iterables or map @Valid must be used. Check com.example.MyDTO#destinations
Is it possible to validate a List inside a DTO without having to make a wrapper class for that list? Is there something I am doing wrong?
Any help is appreciated.
I have tried to include the @Valid annotation in the DTO at different points but I have not been able to get rid of this error.
All of the following give the same result:
private List<@Pattern(regexp="^[a-zA-Z_]+$") String> destinations;
private List<@Valid @Pattern(regexp="^[a-zA-Z_]+$") String> destinations;
private List<@Valid@Pattern(regexp="^[a-zA-Z_]+$") String> destinations;
I would just follow the error message and add the @Valid annotation to the field destinations
in your DTO. I guess it was necessary in older versions of Java validation. Prior to Jakarta Bean Validation 3.O
Try this:
public class ProgramRQDTO implements Serializable {
private List<@Pattern(regexp="^[a-zA-Z_]+$") String> destinations;
EDIT what I found on the net:
@Getter(onMethod = @__(@Valid))
@Setter(onParam = @__(@Valid))
public class ProgramRQDTO implements Serializable {
private List<@Pattern(regexp="^[a-zA-Z_]+$") String> destinations;
I have just tested it with the newest versions of Spring Boot Starters and it works without any issues. No need of additional annotations. Following dependencies did the trick:
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->