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How to extract a new type alias from an object's value

How to extract a new type alias from an object's value

const test = {
'a': ['music','bbq','shopping'],
'b': ['move','work']

How to get it from a test object

type Types = 'music' | 'bbq' | 'shopping' | 'move' | 'work'


  • You can do this quite easily using as const:

    const test = {
    'a': ['music','bbq','shopping'],
    'b': ['move','work']
    } as const;
    type Elements = typeof test[keyof typeof test][number];

    The only solution I can think of that is not using as const is defining an interface with the exact elements of the arrays:

    interface Foo {
        a: ['music', 'bbq', 'shopping'],
        b: ['move', 'work']
    type Elements2 = Foo[keyof Foo][number];