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Define method on class and instance in javascript

I want to be able to access a method from both the instance and the class:

class AClass {
  // I want to make this both static and normal
  method() {
    console.log("Method called");

I would expect to be able to access static methods from the instance (like in python with @staticmethod) but I can't as it gives an error:

class AClass {
  static method() {
    console.log("Method called");

AClass.method();  // this works
(new AClass).method();  // this doesn't work

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  • Create a non-static method of the same name and call the static method from the non-static method.

    class AClass {
      static method() {
        console.log("Method called");
      method() {
    AClass.method();  // this works
    (new AClass).method();  // this now works