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Pivot with custom column names in pyspark

I need to pivot the Table with custom column name's. Please see the table format below.

|balance| ex_cy|rp_prd|scenario|
|    100|2022Q2|202204|     abc|
|    200|2022Q2|202204|     abc|
|    300|2022Q2|202204|     abc|

I want to convert this into below format:

| ex_cy|rp_prd|scenario| C1| C2| C3|
|2022Q2|202204|     abc|100|200|300|

Can anyone help on this please??


  • Lets create an additional id column to uniquely identify rows per 'ex_cy', 'rp_prd' and 'scenario', then do a groupby + pivot and aggregate balance with first

    cols = ['ex_cy', 'rp_prd', 'scenario']
    W = Window.partitionBy(*cols).orderBy('balance')
    id_ = F.concat(F.lit('C'), F.row_number().over(W))
    result = (
        .withColumn('id', id_)


    | ex_cy|rp_prd|scenario| C1| C2| C3|
    |2022Q2|202204|     abc|100|200|300|