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How to handle accented letter in Pyspark

I have a pyspark dataframe in which I need to add "translate" for a column. I have the below code

df1 = df.withColumn("Description", F.split(F.trim(F.regexp_replace(F.regexp_replace(F.lower(F.col("Short_Description")), \
        r"[/\[/\]/\{}!-]", ' '), ' +', ' ')), ' '))\
df2 = df1.withColumn("Description", F.translate('Description', 'ãäöüẞáäčďéěíĺľňóôŕšťúůýžÄÖÜẞÁÄČĎÉĚÍĹĽŇÓÔŔŠŤÚŮÝŽ',
df3 = df2.withColumn('Description', F.explode(F.col('Description')))

I'm getting datatype mismatch error: argument 1 requires string type, 'Description' is of array<string> type

I need to handle the accented letters in Description column.

Please let me know how to solve this


  • Try using spark higher order functions transform to iterate through array and replace.


    from pyspark.sql.functions import *
    df= spark.createDataFrame([(1,['123a','2431abc'])],['id','description'])
    df.withColumn("description",expr("""transform(description,x -> translate(x,'abc',''))""")).display()
    #| id|description|
    #|  1|[123, 2431]|