I'm following this lesson here : https://www.baeldung.com/spring-webclient-oauth2 I'm trying to build a service class to access a resource from other API with given clientId & clientSecret (tested in Postman & Swagger).
Next, we'll set the webClient instance that we autowired in our scheduled task:
WebClient webClient(ReactiveClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrations) {
ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction oauth =
new ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction(
new UnAuthenticatedServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository());
return WebClient.builder()
I got a bit confused , and wonder where should I put these code? should I put it in a class WebClient.java in my project's config package?
i tried to put these code in my service class , and i get this error message :
nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCurrentlyInCreationException:
Error creating bean with name 'xxxService': Requested bean is currently in creation:
Is there an unresolvable circular reference?
the code in my xxxService class is like this:
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate;
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient;
import org.springframework.security.oauth2.client.registration.ReactiveClientRegistrationRepository;
import org.springframework.security.oauth2.client.web.reactive.function.client.ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction;
import org.springframework.security.oauth2.client.web.server.UnAuthenticatedServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository;
public class xxxService{
private WebClient wclient;
public void getAuthThenGetResource(){
log.info("got token");
log.info("got response");
many thank's for the help.
While you can declare Spring Beans in a Service
class, it should be be declared in a separate Configuration
class. Moreover, you get the error because you are autowiring the bean in the same service it is declared in.
There are a couple ways you can fix this. One is using the convention of defining a Configuration
class like the following. Ideally this class would also go in a different package in your project structure.
class ApplicationConfiguration {
WebClient webClient(ReactiveClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrations) {
ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction oauth =
new ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction(
new UnAuthenticatedServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository());
return WebClient.builder()
The other one, which I'm not going to show, is by calling the bean declaration function (i.e. webClient(clientRegistrations)
) with a ReactiveClientRegistrationRepository
which you can Autowire
instead of the WebClient
. This is NOT the right way to do it. I just wanted to mention other ways of dealing with dependency injection errors.