I have an enam and an associated union type
export enum StorageTypeNames {
User = "user",
LoadSettings = "loadSettings",
InitInfo = "isInit",
type StorageType =
| { name: StorageTypeNames.User, data: 'User' | 'Admin' | 'Amother' }
| { name: StorageTypeNames.LoadSettings, data?: string[] }
| { name: StorageTypeNames.InitInfo, data: boolean };
I use this association in my class:
export class StorageHelper {
static getData<K extends StorageTypeNames>(type: K): **Extract<StorageType, { name: K }>['data'] | null;**
static getData(type: StorageTypeNames) {
let data: string | null = null;
data = localStorage.getItem(type);
return data ? JSON.parse(data) : null;
I want to move the selected(boldet) part to a separate type, but there is a problem with generic K
When trying to move to a separate type, i get error:
type ExtractedType = Extract<StorageType, { name: K }>['data'] | null
//*error Cannot find name 'K'
The problem in type variable "К"
please tell me how to make the selected part into a separate type and use it in other places: simple ex.: test playground thank you in advance!
You are trying to make a generic type, but you forgot to make it generic
type ExtractedType<K> = Extract<StorageType, { name: K }>['data'] | null
playground That's all. Have a good day.