Search code examples

Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: 'Incorrect syntax near '12'.'

I'm a .Net beginner and I'm trying to create a simple EShop ASP.Net web application.

I've created a Class named FactorRepository and here is the code:

public class FactorRepository : IFactorRepository
        private const string _connectionString = "ConntectionString";

        ICartRepository _cartRepository;
        IProductRepository _productRepository;

        public FactorRepository(ICartRepository cartRepository, IProductRepository productRepository)
            _cartRepository = cartRepository;
            _productRepository = productRepository;

        public Factor CreateFactor(int cartId, int customerId)
            Factor factor = new Factor();
            using (SqlConnection sql = new SqlConnection(_connectionString))
                    customerId = 1;
                    var cart = _cartRepository.GetCartBy(1);
                    int totalPrice = cart.TotalPrice;
                    DateTime createdDate = DateTime.Now.Date;

                    SqlCommand command = sql.CreateCommand();
                    command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                    command.CommandText = $"Insert into Factors (CustomerId, TotalPrice, CreatedDate) values ({customerId}, {totalPrice}, {createdDate})";
                    var reader = command.ExecuteReader();

                    if (reader.Read())
                        factor.CustomerId = int.Parse(reader["CustomerId"].ToString());
                        factor.TotalPrice = int.Parse(reader["TotalPrice"].ToString());
                        factor.CreatedDate = DateTime.Parse(reader["CreatedDate"].ToString());

                    return factor;
                catch (Exception)

Where am I going wrong and what is my problem/problems?


  • Try to add single quotes in dates '{createdDate}'
    It would be better to use Command Parameter for passing value to avoid SQL Injection

    command.CommandText = $"Insert into Factors (CustomerId, TotalPrice, CreatedDate) values ({customerId}, {totalPrice}, '{createdDate}')";