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Kotlin Reflection check if class property is ArrayList of specific type

I'm a bit new with Kotlin and Java and have following question: how to check if reflected property type is ArrayList of specific type, for example is ArrayList<Pair<String, ByteArray>>?

Code behind:

        class DataUploadFormData {
            var files: ArrayList<Pair<String, ByteArray>> = arrayListOf()
            var collection: String? = null

        // DataUploadFormData type is passed here as T
        suspend inline fun <reified T : Any> mapFormData(data: MultiPartData): T? {
            val formData: FormData = getFormData(data)
            val model: T? = getValue()
            var fields = T::class.memberProperties
            fields.forEach { field ->
                if (field is KMutableProperty<*>) {
                    setFieldValue(field, formData, model)

            return model

        fun <T> setFieldValue(field: KMutableProperty<*>, formData: FormData, model: T?) {
            var value: Any? = null

            if (field.returnType.javaType == String::class.createType().javaType ||
                field.returnType.javaType == Int::class.createType().javaType ||
                field.returnType.javaType == Double::class.createType().javaType
            ) {
                value = formData.fields.firstOrNull(predicate = { it.first == })?.second
            else if (
            // check if field.returnType is of ArrayList<Pair<String, ByteArray>> type?
            ) {
                value = formData.files

  , value)

Checking simple data types works well but have no idea how to check if reflected property is of complex types. I tried to instantiate property and use is or instanceof but I couldn't instantiate property with code like that field.returnType.javaType::class.createInstance(). Check field.returnType.classifier is ArrayList<*> returns false.


  • Use typeOf to get a KType representing the type you want to check against, and use == to compare.

    if (field.returnType == typeOf<ArrayList<Pair<String, ByteArray>>>()) {
        // ...

    You can do this for those "simple types" too.

    This only checks the declared returned type of the property, not whether the property actually holds an instance of ArrayList<Pair<String, ByteArray>>. Therefore, if the field was declared as:

    var field: ArrayList<*> = arrayListOf(
        "foo" to byteArrayOf()

    The check would fail. The declared type of the field is ArrayList<*>, but it can be said that it actually holds a ArrayList<Pair<String, ByteArray>>.

    You cannot reliably check if the type of the instance that the field holds, because of type erasure.