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How to implement a software interrupt?

I'm dealing with an C# Windows Forms application. I have some forms and all these forms are sensitive to the value of a global variable. [Static Member Of A Static Class]

I don't want to run a timer on every form and check this variable. I want these forms to be sensitive to the value of this variable and each form to perform its own routine.

What should I do? Is there a standard way to implement these types of algorithms?


  • It's a normal situation. Sometimes we need to use something like timers. (This is called Polling method). Sometimes we need Interrupts (This is called Event in the C# terminology).

    So. As you said we have an static class:

    internal static class StaticClass
        public delegate void SomethingHappendEventHandler(object sender, EventPayload e);
        public static event SomethingHappendEventHandler SomethingHappendEvent;
        public class EventPayload
            public string Message { get; set; }
        public static async Task BroadcastAnEvent(string message)
            SomethingHappendEvent?.Invoke(null, new EventPayload()
                Message = message
                // Extra info should be defined in payload class if you want to pass them.

    and we have some Forms that wanna catch those Events. for every single form you should do this:

        public ChildForm()
            StaticClass.SomethingHappendEvent += StaticClass_SomethingHappendEvent;
        private void StaticClass_SomethingHappendEvent(object sender, StaticClass.EventPayload e)

    You can call:

     StaticClass.BroadcastAnEvent("My message");

    Wherever you want and all of these forms will catch this message and they are able to use it.