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Playwright test afterEach but with a variable for certain tests

Each test uses await expect(page).toHaveScreenshot();. I wouldn't want to do repetitions in every test.

test.afterEach(async ({ page }) => {
  await expect(page).toHaveScreenshot({mask: [] as Locator[] || null});

There is a problem. Some tests have dynamic elements that I need to hide. How do I provide an argument/value for { mask } to handle the first case in some tests?

I tried to give the { mask } a value but to no avail:

test('should open sender`s grid view', async ({ page }) => {
  // some code 
  {mask: value }


  • One possible approach is to use describe blocks that group the different maskings:

    import {test} from "@playwright/test"; // ^1.30.0
    test.describe("with empty mask", () => {
      test.afterEach(async ({page}) => {
        await expect(page).toHaveScreenshot({mask: []});
      test("foo 1", async ({page}) => {
        // ...
      test("foo 2", async ({page}) => {
        // ...
    test.describe("with p masked", () => {
      test.afterEach(async ({page}) => {
        await expect(page).toHaveScreenshot({
          mask: [page.locator("p")]
      test("bar 1", async ({page}) => {
        // ...
      test("bar 2", async ({page}) => {
        // ...

    If you don't want the describe blocks, there's the more naive pattern of setting a shared variable among tests:

    import {test} from "@playwright/test";
    let mask = [];
    test.afterEach(async ({page}) => {
      await expect(page).toHaveScreenshot({mask});
      mask = [];
    test("foo 1", async ({page}) => {
      // ...
      mask = [page.locator("p"), page.locator("h1")];
    test("foo 2", async ({page}) => {
      // ...
    test("foo 3", async ({page}) => {
      // ...
      mask = [page.locator("p")];
    test("foo 3", async ({page}) => {
      // ...

    The mask = []; line ensures that the empty mask is the default value if a test hasn't overridden it.

    Note that [] || null will never evaluate to null, even if the array is empty. If you want to provide null as the default value, replace all occurrences of let mask = [] and mask = [] with mask = null.