I'm trying to make a query using a wrapper class as result type. Sorry for the long post but I want to make my question as complete as possible. The root class has 3 lists that I want to retrieve:
@Table(name = "cash")
public final class Cash extends BaseSimpleModel {
@SequenceGenerator(name = "id", sequenceName = "cash_seq")
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO, generator = "id")
private Long cashID;
@Column(length = 50, unique = true)
private String description;
@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
@JoinColumn(name = "cashID")
private List<CashAllowedValue> allowedValueList;
@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
@JoinColumn(name = "cashID")
private List<CashAllowedCurrency> allowedCurrencyList;
@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
@JoinColumn(name = "cashID")
private List<CashAllowedCashier> allowedCashierList;
... getters and setters
Here is my wrapper class:
public class CashQueryResult extends QueryResult {
private Long cashID;
private String description;
private List<CashAllowedValue> allowedValueList;
private List<CashAllowedCurrency> allowedCurrencyList;
private List<CashAllowedCashier> allowedCashierList;
public CashQueryResult(Long id, String description, List<CashAllowedValue> allowedValueList, List<CashAllowedCurrency> allowedCurrencyList, List<CashAllowedCashier> allowedCashierList)
this.cashID = id;
this.description = description;
this.allowedValueList = allowedValueList;
this.allowedCurrencyList = allowedCurrencyList;
this.allowedCashierList = allowedCashierList;
... getters
And here is my query:
public final List<CashQueryResult> getQRList(final CashQueryParameter cashQP, final QueryHint queryHint) {
List<CashQueryResult> cashQRL = null;
try {
final CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
final PredicateBuilder pb = new PredicateBuilder(cb);
final CriteriaQuery<CashQueryResult> cq = cb.createQuery(CashQueryResult.class);
final Root<Cash> cash = cq.from(getModelClass());
// Joins.
final ListJoin<Cash, CashAllowedValue> allowedValueList = cash.join(Cash_.allowedValueList, JoinType.LEFT);
final ListJoin<Cash, CashAllowedCurrency> allowedCurrencyList = cash.join(Cash_.allowedCurrencyList, JoinType.LEFT);
final ListJoin<Cash, CashAllowedCashier> allowedCashierList = cash.join(Cash_.allowedCashierList, JoinType.LEFT);
// Paths.
final Path<ValueTypeEnum> valueType = allowedValueList.get(CashAllowedValue_.valueType);
final Path<Currency> currency = allowedCurrencyList.get(CashAllowedCurrency_.currency);
final Path<IntranetUser> intranetUser = allowedCashierList.get(CashAllowedCashier_.cashier);
// Expressions. Just for testing purposes.
final Expression<List<CashAllowedValue>> cashAllowedValueListExpression = cash.get(Cash_.allowedValueList);
final Expression<List<CashAllowedCurrency>> cashAllowedCurrencyExpression = cash.get(Cash_.allowedCurrencyList);
final Expression<List<CashAllowedCashier>> cashAllowedCashierExpression = cash.get(Cash_.allowedCashierList);
cq.select(cb.construct(CashQueryResult.class, cash.get(Cash_.cashID), cash.get(Cash_.description),
// cash.get(Cash_.allowedValueList), cash.get(Cash_.allowedCurrencyList), cash.get(Cash_.allowedCashierList) // does not work
// cashAllowedValueListExpression, cashAllowedCurrencyExpression, cashAllowedCashierExpression // does not work
allowedValueList, allowedCurrencyList, allowedCashierList // does not work
// cq.multiselect(cash.get(Cash_.cashID), cash.get(Cash_.description),
// allowedValueList, allowedCurrencyList, allowedCashierList
// ); // does not work
cq.where(cb.and(pb.like(cash.get(Cash_.description), cashQP.getDescription()), pb.equal(valueType, cashQP.getValueType()), pb.equal(currency.get(Currency_.currencyID), cashQP.getCurrencyID()), pb.equal(intranetUser.get(IntranetUser_.agentID), cashQP.getIntranetUserID())));
final TypedQuery<CashQueryResult> tq = em.createQuery(cq);
cashQRL = tq.getResultList();
catch (Throwable t) {
throw new EJBException(t.getMessage());
return cashQRL;
Finally, the exception (it varies depending on what select method I try but it's always something like this):
2011-09-12 16:12:26,165 ERROR [org.hibernate.hql.PARSER] (http- Unable to locate appropriate constructor on class [com.ebizlink.adonis.erp.model.support.CashQueryResult] [cause=org.hibernate.PropertyNotFoundException: no appropriate constructor in class: com.ebizlink.adonis.erp.model.support.CashQueryResult]
2011-09-12 16:12:26,169 SEVERE [javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.context] (http- javax.ejb.EJBException: org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException:
Unable to locate appropriate constructor on class [com.ebizlink.adonis.erp.model.support.CashQueryResult]
[select distinct new com.ebizlink.adonis.erp.model.support.CashQueryResult(generatedAlias0.cashID, generatedAlias0.description, generatedAlias1, generatedAlias2, generatedAlias3)
from com.ebizlink.adonis.erp.model.Cash as generatedAlias0
left join generatedAlias0.allowedValueList as generatedAlias1
left join generatedAlias0.allowedCurrencyList as generatedAlias2
left join generatedAlias0.allowedCashierList as generatedAlias3
where ( 1=1 ) and ( 1=1 ) and ( 1=1 ) and ( 1=1 )
order by generatedAlias0.description asc]
For reference, here is the PredicateBuilder just in case. I searched the web but I couldn't find somebody that is trying to retrieve many lists. Am I missing something obvious? Multiple fetches are a no go (hibernate bug), and I can't make the lists Eager either.
Another related question would be: Can I make a query so, that the lists of my wrapper class are also entity wrappers and not entities? (For example: Instead of using Cashiers, just get first name and last name, and use a list of CashierWrapper which holds both strings)
I really thank you and I hope you can help me.
It is likely that you cannot do that, what specification says about arguments to constructor expression:
constructor_expression ::= NEW constructor_name ( constructor_item {,constructor_item}* ) constructor_item ::= single_valued_path_expression | scalar_expression | aggregate_expression | identification_variable
And lists (collection_valued_field) you try to offer to constructor is not any of the constructor_item.