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How to send data dropdown value to server in flutter

how do I send data/values that are dropped to the server/API, I want to make it but I can't find the appropriate article/video.


  • To send data from a dropdown value to a server in Flutter, you can follow these general steps: Create a DropdownButton widget and define its items and value properties:

    String dropdownValue = 'Item 1';
      value: dropdownValue,
      onChanged: (String newValue) {
        setState(() {
          dropdownValue = newValue;
      items: <String>['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3', 'Item 4']
          .map<DropdownMenuItem<String>>((String value) {
        return DropdownMenuItem<String>(
          value: value,
          child: Text(value),

    Add a Button widget to the same StatefulWidget where you defined the DropdownButton. This button will be used to send the selected value to the server:

      onPressed: () {
      child: Text('Send Value'),

    Implement the sendValueToServer function, which will use a network library such as http to send a POST request to the server with the selected value:

    import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;

    Future<void> sendValueToServer(String value) async {
      final response = await
        body: {'value': value},
      if (response.statusCode == 200) {
        print('Value sent successfully');
      } else {
        print('Failed to send value');

    This code sends a POST request to the URL with a body containing the selected value as a key-value pair. You can replace the URL with the actual URL of your server, and adjust the key-value pair as needed.

    Note: that the http library requires you to add the http package to your pubspec.yaml file, and import it as http. Also, you should handle errors and exceptions that might occur during the network call.