I want to replace specific words (laptop, asus, acer) with links (test.com/l12, test.com/13, test.com/14) using jQuery. I found this function
<script type="text/javascript">
(function($) {
var thePage = $("body");
thePage.text(thePage.html().replace(/laptop/ig, '<a href="http://test.com/laptop">laptop</a>'));
but the problem is that it replaces laptop word in existing urls (creating urls like test.com/test.com/laptop-review if the url was test.com/laptop-review) and all the laptop html (html ids, classes, urls etc) on the page is destroyed.
Thank you
You could try using the jQuery text replace plug-in - http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/spotlight-jquery-replacetext/
The plug-in should ignore HTML mark-up and only change 'text' values.
Further details are given in this question - How do I do a case insensitive search for a word and convert it to a hyperlink using jquery?