Using the example of even numbers, I would like to define the Even type whose domain is even integers using the function
val isEven(i: Int): Boolean = i % 2 == 0
How would I do this in Scala 3 using the opaque keyword...
opaque type Even = ??? // use Int and filter using isEven
or if that does not work,
type Even = ???
The rationale is to use functions as a building block to create new types, rather that complicating matters by using newtype as scala-even-type-number or using Refined Types
Something like the following:
object Evens:
opaque type Even = Int
object Even:
def apply(i: Int): Even = if i % 2 == 0 then i else sys.error(s"$i is odd")
def unsafe(i: Int): Even = i
def safe(i: Int): Option[Even] = Option.when(i % 2 == 0)(i)
extension (x: Even)
def toInt: Int = x
def +(y: Even): Even = x + y
def *(y: Int): Even = x * y
def half: Int = x / 2
end Evens
import Evens.*
// val x: Even = 2 // doesn't compile
val x: Even = Even(2)
// val x: Even = Even(3) // RuntimeException: 3 is odd
If you'd like Even(3)
to fail at compile time rather than runtime then replace def apply(i: Int): Even = ...
with one of the following implementations
import scala.compiletime.{error, erasedValue, constValue, codeOf, summonFrom}
import scala.compiletime.ops.any.{==, ToString}
inline def apply[I <: Int with Singleton](inline i: I): Even =
inline erasedValue[I % 2] match
case _: 0 => i
case _ => error(codeOf(i) + " is odd")
inline def apply[I <: Int with Singleton](inline i: I): Even =
inline if constValue[I % 2] == 0 then i else error(codeOf(i) + " is odd")
inline def apply[I <: Int with Singleton](inline i: I): Even =
inline erasedValue[I % 2 == 0] match
case _: true => i
case _ => error(constValue[ToString[I]] + " is odd")
inline def apply[I <: Int with Singleton](inline i: I): Even =
summonFrom {
case _: (I % 2 =:= 0) => i
case _ => error(constValue[ToString[I]] + " is odd")
inline def apply(inline i: Int): Even =
inline if i % 2 == 0 then i else error(codeOf(i) + " is odd")