I need to dynamically show a success of fail component based on the result of the api call, this is my example:
const loader = ref(true);
const resultPage = ref("");
.then((response : boolean) => {
response ? resultPage.value = 'success' : resultPage.value = 'fail';
.finally(() => {
loader.value = false
The component i created in my project is Success.vue and Fail.vue (using composition API).
I simply imported them:
import Fail from "./result/Fail.vue";
import Success from "./result/Success.vue";
The value of my ref resultPage is 'success' or 'fail'.
I noticed that if importing the component normally works, this is the case:
<success v-if="!loader" />
Am i missing anything?
Ok after a while i decided to re-read the documentation and i found this little paragraph which i didn't read the first time :_)
Registration is not required if you pass the component itself to is rather than its name, e.g. in < script setup >.
Basically i modified my code like this
const loader = ref(true);
const resultPage = ref({});
.then((response : boolean) => {
resultPage.value = response ? Success : Fail;
.finally(() => {
loader.value = false
I think this issue is also related to Vue component only shows up as <componentName> Tag and didnt gets rendered.
I'll keep it here to avoid making another one like me lose 2 hours of time