I have a Component in my storybook that have some controls and looks like this in the UI
But when i wrap my component in a HOC export default withAlign(Avatar)
it breaks and does not display any controls, and the controls section is replaces with the following text: No inputs found for this component. Read the docs
Here is my code for the stories index.stories.tsx
import { Meta } from '@storybook/react'
import Avatar from '../Avatar'
export { AvatarColor } from './AvatarColor.stories'
export { Default } from './AvatarDefault.stories'
export default {
title: 'Components/Avatar',
component: Avatar,
parameters: {
docs: {
description: {
component: `An Avatar is a graphical representation of a user, team, or entity.
Avatar can display an image, icon, or initials, and supports various sizes and shapes.`,
decorators: [
(Story) => (
display: 'flex',
gap: '5px',
flexWrap: 'wrap',
<Story />
} as Meta
import Avatar from '../Avatar'
import { AvatarProps } from '../Avatar.types'
export const Default = (props: Partial<AvatarProps>) => (
<Avatar {...props}>Yooo</Avatar>
And then I have my type
import { HTMLAttributes } from 'react'
export type AvatarProps = Omit<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, 'color'> & {
* The Size.
* @default 50
size?: number
* The prop.
* @default 80
someotherprop?: number
* The color.
* @default "red"
color?: string
Any idea how I can display the controls when wrapping my component in a HOC?
from @storybook/addon-docs
part of @storybook/addon-essentials
Does not work with HoCs when you default export them.
Simply changing export default withAlign(Avatar)
const Avatar = withAlign(AvatarComponent)
export { Avatar }
Solved the issue and The component props and HoC props are displayed in the docs page