I have list of ids like
List<Integer> ids = new ArrayList(){1,2,3};
I need to transform this to the map of next structure:
Map<Integer, Map<String, String>>
where keys will be ids from the list and map will be just empty map. Of course I can create new map, after that I can iterate over the list and to put id and new HashMap<String,String> to that new map. But is it possible to do that in one stream? Using generate()
and collect()
You can use Collectors.toMap(...)
id -> new HashMap<String, String>()
requires two parameters: firstly, a key mapper, in our case, we'll use the current id from the stream, so id -> id
or simply Function.identity()
Then, for the value mapper, for each id, we are creating a new HashMap(), Additionally, you can declare it as __ -> new HashMap<String, String>()
(using "__" as the name of the element from the steram would suggest you are not interested in its value, and all the value mappers are returning the same).