Is it possible to link an image from flickrshow gallery(I am using flickshow javascript to do slideshow of the images)to an url?
Flickrshow is a very simple Javascript slideshow for Flickr. It doesn’t require any web-development expertise, any particular Javascript frameworks, (although it works with all of them), or any hosted web space. It works in all modern web browsers, and Internet Explorer 6.
I'm the creator of Flickrshow.
I have to abide by the rules laid out by Flickr in their terms of use for the API which states that an image must link back to the Flickr page for that image in some way, hence the link from the image title to the Flickr page.
I can't change this as I will have my API key revoked, but if you wanted to hijack this link you could by using Javascript after the Flickrshow has loaded to override the events attached to that title and make it go elsewhere - be warned, you might be breaking Flickr's terms yourself too.