Here I am importing a 1st package into 2nd, then importing the 2nd into a testbench.
I expect the contents of both packages to be visible in the testbench,
however the simulators on
EDA Playground are not able to find contents of the first package, and produce a corresponding error.
I am aware this can be resolved trivially by importing both into the tb.
SV Code from the left pane on EDA Playground:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 1st package
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
package my_pk_1;
localparam TEMP1 = 1;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2nd package
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
package my_pk_2;
import my_pk_1::*;
localparam TEMP2 = 1;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// module
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
module tb () ;
// import 2nd package only, because the 1st package has been imported into the 2nd
import my_pk_2::*;
$display("TEMP1 = %0d",TEMP1);
Error message:
xmelab: *E,CUVUNF (./,33|31): Hierarchical name component lookup failed for 'TEMP1' at 'tb'
EDA Playground Link:
In system verilog whatever you import into a package is only visible inside this package only. You need to use export to allow it:
26.6 By default, declarations imported into a package are not visible by way of subsequent imports of that package. Package export declarations allow a package to specify that imported declarations are to be made visible in subsequent imports. A package export may precede a corresponding package import
So, this should work:
package my_pk_1;
localparam TEMP1 = 1;
package my_pk_2;
import my_pk_1::*;
export my_plk_1::TEMP1;
localparam TEMP2 = 1;
Also there are certain rules for exporting with wildcards:
An export of the form package_name::* exports all declarations that were actually imported from package_name within the context of the exporting package. All names from package_name, whether imported directly or through wildcard imports, are made available. Symbols that are candidates for import but not actually imported are not made available. The special wildcard export form, export ::; , exports all imported declarations from all packages from which imports occur.
As a result, if you want to use wildcards in export, the variable must be used in the importer package:
package my_pk_2;
import my_pk_1::*;
export my_plk_1::*;
localparam TEMP2 = 1;
localparam TEMP3 = TEMP1; // use of TEMP1